Monday, June 15, 2009

Bla bla bla

Hmm.. its been 2 weeks or so since my last post eyh? Damn! That long huh? Well, this past few weeks ni rase cam malas la pulak nak blogging² nih.. Last week.. went back to Penang, which is my kampung.. and then this whole week ni demam pulak.. Now im feeling better, thx for asking.. :P . *sigh* Just finished my weekly Sunday futsal with my bro-in-law, Abg Epit and his friends. Scored 2.. (damn i've kinda lost my form!) Freaking tired right now. Just gonna list down a few interesting that happened to me this past 2 weeks.
  1. Got a new desktop PC, after years of waiting.. Aaaahh.. FINALLY!! Here's the spec... 2GB Ram(gonna add 2 more), Dual-Core Processor, Vista Ultimate, nVidia Geforce 9400, 2.5Ghz.... Urgh.. Heavennye! :P
  2. Ayim's finally back from PLKN.. damn dah kurushhh! and botak of cuz! HAHAHA! Cool la weh ko... and skrg dah mule layan girls wehhh! Lepak ngan kitorang pon ko tak layan dah an cam dulu! Ceit!! Dulu anti-girls! Tuiih!
  3. Balik kampung for a few days last week... it was fun hanging out with the girls again.. sgt lame tak lepak ngan dorang... they're the only girls my age that can make me laugh really2 hard.. sampai nak teberak tekencing pon ade.. haha. u gals rox!
  4. Afte balik kampung.. i felt sick.. for almost a week.. bummer!
Tu je la kot.. nothing interesting sangat pon.. hahaha.. ade lain but cant really remember!
end of post.. tired! Nite2

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